Protection des données

Personal information

In accordance with the French law on Information Technology and Liberties of 6 January 1978, ZIQY commits to respect the privacy of visitors to its site, and to protect against access to their personal information.
Here personal information corresponds to information that you may be required to transmit on the website and that enable the identification of your physical person.
Regarding the collection of your personal information, ZIQY commits to retain this data for its own use, and under no circumstances will it be sold on or disclosed to third parties. In accordance with the French law on Information Technology and Liberties, you have the right to access, modify, amend or delete your personal information collected on our site. You can exercise this right by sending an email to:

You can access all of the information regarding the protection of personal information by consulting the CNIL website (Information Technology and Liberties commission): http//


Les présentes conditions générales des mentions légales sont régies par le droit français.Sauf disposition légale impérative contraire, tout litige concernant le contenu et l’utilisation du site relève de la compétence exclusive des tribunaux français.